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Self-transcendent experiences are characterised by strong feelings of connectedness and a loss of self. These experiences can be induced through vast natural beauty, great works of art or contemplative practices. In the PRSM lab we investigate how self-transcendent experiences affect self-perception, attention and ultimately how these experiences contribute to human flourishing.

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Psychedelics, such as psilocybin and LSD, are substances that profoundly affect perception and consciousness. At PRSM lab, we aim to unravel the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying

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People of all times and cultures have endorsed religious beliefs and have had encounters with the supernatural. The PRSM lab investigates how these beliefs and

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Self-transcendent experiences are characterised by strong feelings of connectedness and a loss of self. These experiences can be induced through vast natural beauty, great works

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Mystical experiences are characterised by feelings of unity, insight and ineffability. A key question in the study of mystical experiences concerns whether these experiences reflect

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